Best photobomb of the year?
Malia Obama ruined a rare photo opportunity when she popped her head in front of the camera while sister
Sasha was snapping a picture of their parents,
President Barack Obama and
First Lady Michelle Obama, stealing a kiss on Inauguration Day.
Credit: CNN |
Huffington Post's social media editor spotted the epic photobombing incident while watching CNN's coverage of the inaugural parade. As the screenshot shows, 14-year-old Malia leans in to block the picture -- with a funny face, no less -- at the exact moment the newly sworn-in POTUS is puckering up for a sweet smooch with his wife.
And Malia's photobomb was not the only such incident on Inauguration Day. A few hours earlier, singer
Kelly Clarkson was photobombed by former President
Bill Clinton as she performed "My Country 'Tis of Thee" with the United States Marine Band. The hilarious snapshot was uploaded to Twitter soon after.
Tell Us: What was your favorite moment of the Inauguration?
Posted on 1:36 AM